Pleniminary Progress

From looking at my pleniminary task I am able to evaluate how my skills have improved and how my knowledge of magazines has widened. As we can see on the front cover I designed for a school magazine there is a lot of empty space and the sell-lines are catchy, yet not large enough or interesting enough to engage the audience. The front cover simply does not have enough to fill. Although the image was appropriate for the magazine, the shot could of been closer to the model, but a clear eye-line match was shown. I have also kept a clear 4 pallete colour scheme of red,green,grey and black and used relative font to school related genres.

Comparing this to my final product front cover my progress can be seen clearly. I have made the image more clear and emotionally engaging with the audience/readers. The cover also looks my proffesional with the use of photoshop I was able to edit the model to make it look more clear, the framing of the image also makes a substantial difference. From my pleniminary task I learnt that having some blank space can be acceptable, in the case of my main product, I thought the image was powerful enough to overfill the blank space and therefore only wanted to include few sell-lines. 

For the contents page I showed significant improvement and gained a higher knowlege of the basic conventions a magazine contents needs to include. Although images were suitable on both tasks the pleniminary task showed the contents page with a lot of empty space, I improved this in my final product by filling the page and making sure that there was no gaps. I used relative,readable font in the final task and also included consistency with my contents and front page - although this could of been improved upon in my pleniminary task.

Target Audience

When designing and creating my ideas for my product I needed feedback from the audience in which I was aiming my magazine towards. Therefore to gain clear and precise feedback about magazine I produced a questionnaire and gained clear feedback on what they liked about magazines - for example how much would they pay, what colour schemes do you like. This overall helped the outcome of my product as I was able to use the feedback and edit according to peoples expectations and likes.My target audience was young teenagers between the age of 16-22.

example of target audience: young teens at evolution festival 2009.
interested in music and social events. 

I addressed my audience and gained feedback by creating a social networking site called Facebook, this allowed me to see if the magazine did attract and appeal to my target audiences and if they liked the product, while also allowing me to change any aspects if I was to re-produce a new magazine, therefore giving me constructive feedback in my production process. Below is the link to the Facebook page and also a variety of images from the polls in which I held out to the members of the group. To make sure the questions where to an appropriate audience I made sure that the people in which I added to the group where between the target audience age.

Gaining more in-depth feedback from my target audience I contacted a variety of teenagers and asked them to write a few lines on what they thought about my magazine. 

I contacted my audience through text, and Facebook messaging. 

Megan Black,16
"The magazine is easy to navigate therefore appealing,
 I also like the colours used, I think the genre is very specifically displayed.

Niall Cunningham, 17
"The magazine had a nice consistency throughout it,
 making it eye-catching and original and
defiantly something I would purchase

Amy Connolly,17
"I like the image on the front cover, I think it looks
very proffesional and something i'd expect to see on a supermarket shelf.

Video feedback footage from previous A-level media and film student (Current university film student) evaluating the product. 

Going further

How could I make my magazine big, better than others and most of all market it to the extent that it could be as famous and popular as other magazines? After all the popularity of a magazine does not just depend on the contexts in which it includes although does play a bit part in it. Thinking about how I would interpret synergy within the product below I have listed a variety of ways in which I could market my product and make it "BIG" and increase sales.

1)Social networking sites


  • I could get Facebook to sponsor my product, promoting advertisement on one of the most successful and popular social networking sites.
  • Design a Facebook page, when people can keep up to date on upcoming stories and new releases of the magazine, while also providing discounts. 

Another way of attracting audiences is through Myspace. This allows you to connect with a variety of people and also let people keep up to date on events, offers and exclusives. 

Myspace allows socializing, connectivity and advertisement. All benefiting the distribution process within a magazine.


Twitter is just like any other social networking site but simpler. It consists of a timeline where people post quick sentences about "What they're doing" and general updates.

To advertise and distribute the product more effectively Blast! could create their own twitter page, just like Kerrang! has done on the image to the left.

2) Radio

A fine example of how a magazine has turned into a huge form of synergy would be Kerrang. It does not only have it's own magazine but also a radio station. Blast! magazine could form a radio station that plays the genre of music in which the magazine is based around, this making the name of Blast! larger.

3) Websites
Even-though social networking sites are similar to websites, a website can create a larger scale of information and a variety of images, stories and pages - similar to an online magazine. By creating a Blast! website it involves the audience and readers to the wonderful world of the internet, which a mass amount of people all over the world can have access to, therefore the even if people in other companies don't have easy access to the magazine they can "go online" and read all about it. 

Examples of magazine websites: 
Although all of the above ideas on how to "go further" with my product and distribute it to a wider audience, there is also the option of coming together with other companies and organisations to help aid the popularity of my magazine. This can be done by giving free vouchers away 


Technologies played a big part within the production of my magazine, but just like on a day-to-day basis everyone finds technology a vital part in their lives and have become more reliant on it. Throughout the research,planning,production and evaluation of my product I have gained a wider knowledge within various programmes. Below I have listed a variety of technologies in which I used to help with my product, how they helped and why they were suitable. 

Blogspot was the main website in which I needed to use to progress my evaluation. This meant learning new technological skills as I have never used this programme before. Evaluating the website I overall thought it was a very easy and successive format to display my work on.


Photoshop was the most valuable programme within the production of my magazine. It provided the equipment to edit my photographs and get them to high quality standards making my product more proffesional. Although it was hard first learning how to use the programme seems I have never gained a in-depth understanding of the programme throughout trial and error and step by step learning I was able to increase my level of knowledge with the programme substantial amounts and complete photo editing and production to a high quality standard. 


Facebook was one of the primary sources of collecting target audience feedback, although normally used for socialising this seemed like the ideal technology to use to extend my indepth research into target audiences likes and dislikes.

DSLR camera

I used this technology to record my "target audience feedback". This enabled the video to be high resolution and easy to understand, see and hear. Although within my production and photo taking of the product I was not equipt with the technology of a DSLR camera, therefore had to use a smaller mega pixel - this effecting the standard of my magazine images but was dealt with by creating a "storyboard" image look on the double page spread to confine the images to smaller sizes therefore reducing effects of blurs and pixelated imagery.

Computer + Printer

This was the most vital technology I used within my Media coursework as it was the source of my presentation,production and planning. It allowed me to research magazines, use proffesional programmes such as Photoshop to produce my product, and also websites such as to evaluate my product and also communicate with my target audience. This would be a hard task if I did not have acess to the computer, or a printer to gather my work.

Media Institution

Media institutions play a big role within the final distribution of a magazine. There is a variety of Media institutions all over the world and variety of them I have researched within my research and planning, although there was one specific institution that stood out and was the most appropriate for my magazine, as it produces similar magazines, and attracts the same target audience. This was Bauer Music Group. 

Basics of the company

  • Europe's largest privately owned publishing companies. 
  • Worldwide media company offering over 300 magazines to 15 countries.
  • Multi-platform and UK based
  • Joined Bauer Media group in 2008

Why would it be suitable for my magazine

The institution would be suitable for my magazine as it has already produced and distributed similar magazine genres, and also focuses on more film and music based media. For example Bauer produces Kerrang! and Q, these being similar magazines to the magazine in which I produced. 

Not only does Bauer produce similar magazines but also a wide variety of other technologies such as websites, radio, TV and radio. This being an incredible advantage as then the company could emerge with my magazine to produce these things and advertise on a higher scale to a wider more suited audience. 

Some examples of what Bauer music produce/distribute and take control of are shown on this link:

Bauer music also provides ticketing for and charities such as cash 4 kids.


The institution would also be appropriate for my magazine as it attracts the right audience ( younger teens) but also other audience age ranges such as the older generation. The company also provides the right tools to distribute the magazine in a wider, more effective way throughout TV and Radio and also making the magazine international. 


All magazines have a consistency throughout them that make them noticeable to audiences it allows them to see what they are and what information they provide, also the genre of the magazine.
From research at looking from magazines previously as stated below I was able to gather up key points (codes and conventions) which I could involve within my magazine, and also gave me a rough sketch of what my magazine needed to look like and what it needed to include.
Typical things a magazine has is ;
  • Masthead
  • Sub-headings
  • Main image
  • Captions on images
  • Date,price and bar-code
  • Colour scheme
Although these are my own evaluations on the typical codes and conventions of magazines, I can easily spot from being part of readers of magazines the typical trends throughout the texts. 

Conventions in which I used in my magazine

Front cover

Main image: The main image is a vital part of a magazine as it engages with the audience and gives a quick preview of the genre of magazine - e.g fashion,music,lifestyle. Although some magazines have a variety of images on the front I feel that my product was better with one main image so the audience can engage more within the model, and the picture as a whole, instead of making it busy and hard to navigate (left) although the magazine still has one main image. 

The main image also needs a good eye-line match this will engage the readers/audience more within the model and enable to gain analysis of the emotions in which the model/celebrity feels. The main image also relates to the main feature/story within the magazine, this being another important convention of any magazine, as the image is the main aspect of a front cover this meaning it is used as a main selling point, therefore audiences expect there to be a large, interesting article within the magazine about the person on the cover. 

Eye-line match and positioning: These are important aspects of the main image as it engages and allows the audiences to gain vibes and emotions of the model and also the impression it is trying to give off about the magazine. Below are a variety of front cover images that have different positioning. I chose the middle image as it provides a more stable photograph with the right body language and framing. 

Posistioning is too close to the camera although good eye-line match not enough of the body is on show

This was the final image in which I chose to put on my front cover as it shown all true conventions of a front cover image that is typically found on a front cover of a magazine. It had a perfect eye-line match therefore engaged more with the audience and were able to analyse the genre of magazine and slight emotions of the model.
The image is very close up on the models face and shows clear visibility of emotions, although I wanted the main image to have some figure showing to enable more analasys of emotion. 

The image is not centered and the positioning of the model is slightly to the left making it off center.  

Date Issue,Barcode and Price
These are vital conventions to insert on any front cover as they provide the customer with the option to purchase the magazine quickly and easily without the hassle of finding a shop assistant - therefore this was not an option whether or not to conform or subvert the codes and conventions of this particular topic. 


Colour Scheme

Chosen colour scheme of Red,Black,White and Yellow. The colours work well together and are a variety of different shades therefore stand out from one another when swapping background text colouring.

Pink,Red,White and Purple are an example of a more "teen girl" magazine as they  are more related to that gender and not to a more Indie/Rock multi-gender magazine, therefore these colours weren't appropriate. 

Dark grey,Light Grey,Nearly White and Black are good shades of colours although not colours you would specifically put together due to the lack of vibrancy and effect. The colours are dull and although relate to the genre of "darkness" do not attract audiences.


The chosen font felt relative to the genre of my magazine. The boldness stood out as title font, and was easy and clear to read therefore seemed appropriate and effective enough to use for my magazine. 
This is an example of a very clear, fancy font although the font does not seem relative to be used as a magazine title as it does not stand out and the font does not relate to the genre type of my magazine. 

Contents Page

Page number and information
These help interest the audience and also make the contents easy navigable as the readers can find the topic that interests them and quickly find it within the magazine. Page numbers are one of the most vital and common things found on a contents page. 

Images are an important aspect of all magazines including the contents page. By including images on the contents page it showed more clearly what was inside of my magazine while also making it look more interesting to look at and also added colour to the page. The images are clear and easy to see therefore more effective to audiences. 

Image 1 - non-blurry and clear view of all detail. This would be an appropriate image to use on the contents and or double page spread. 

Image 2 - The same image but with more blur to it, not as effective and would not appeal as much to the audience therefore image 1 would be more suitable. 

This helps the economy and pricing of the magazine as it increases sales and gives the readers an oppourtunity to pay for a yearly issue.

Written format

A contents page needs to include quick, snappy points as it's just like an advertisement/teaser to get the audience more inclined within the magazine you can't drag in-depth information within it. This is a main feature and convention of a contents page which I thought was vital to include within my magazine. 

Simple layout that is effective to the audience while still easy to navigate around. The colour scheme being the same as the cover to show consistency and order. 

Double Page Spread

Written format
For the written format of the double page spread I decided go along the informal yet very insightful to emotions. I done this to engage within the audience more, and go along the line of experiences as I thought this would make it a more interesting read as people find things they can relate to a lot more important and interesting and also comforting. This helped conform to my young teen audience as many people during that age may have experienced the same thing in which this celebrity has. The text goes into in-depth detail about Eliza's life therefore will be more catching to the audience due to this, as readers like articles that include information that no-one else knows.

I decided to make the format more original by including four medium sized pictures along the top. In such case the images where too small of a size to make a dominant full page picture therefore to conclude this I had to experiment with different layouts, and seems as though I wanted my magazine to be original I thought of no better way than to make an original layout giving my DPS an original feel to it. Below is an image of a previous DPS in which I designed but later had to re-design due to the bad quality of my images.

I felt the images where appropriate to the text included and involved Elizas past therefore related to the article with her sister- Gabriella. The images where clear and insightful to emotions with eye-line matches.

Costume + Fashion
I wanted the outfits to relate to the genre of the magazine and also appeal to audiences. By making the artists wear trendy/affordable clothing this aloud the images to engage with the audiences more.

Props were a vital part within the images included on this page as it provided the audience the knowledge that the magazine was a music magazine and the models included on the image where musically talented and famous.


"To create a magazine you need to have inspiration,our ideas do not simply create themselves in our heads we need to be inspired in order to create pieces of art."

 Below I have researched various magazines, this enabled me to interpret strong ideas and designs for my magazine and also gain knowledge of what a magazine simply constructs of (also known as codes and conventions), this was a key part to my magazine construction and helped the creation and production of my magazine easier and more easier to produce. Below are a list of magazine inspirations, a collection of ideas that I also brought together to complete the final piece.


Basics: A UK magazine focusing solely on Rock music published by Bauer Music Group.

Inspirational texts:

Front cover
  • The magazine consists of a three pallet scheme of yellow, black and white. This caught my eye and I thought it created a very consistent, neat cover making it look professional.
  • Posed photo, making it professional and enabling interpretation of facial expressions.
  • Different,unique and eye-catching.

  • Variety of images that enable readers to see inside stories easily.
  • Consistent colour scheme and highlighted headings.
  • Stereotypical images of rock/indie artists relating to the music genre and type of magazine.
  • Typical symbols that enable precise interpretation of genre and type of magzine.

Double page spread
  • A stable strong image that creates enough importance to fill the right hand side of the page. Enables audience to know exactly who the article is about at first glance.
  • Very little writing, double page spread is based more around the creative look than the intellectual read and story.


Basics: The New Musical Express, popularly known by the initialism NME, is a music publication in the United Kingdom, published weekly since March 1952.
Inspirational texts:

Front cover
  • Strong four pallet colour scheme.
  • Image with good eye-line match therefore engages with the audience. 
  • Clear, precise sell lines.
  • No white space, every area of the front page has information or image there.

  • Contents

  • Clear index of bands therefore favourite bands can be found and also gives the magazine a genre just from looking at the names. 
    • Few images, although this allows focus on the “subscribe today” therefore this is a main sell point and attract readers more. 
    • Sub-headings make it easier for readers to quickly devise the article they are looking for and what interests them.

    • Image taking up half a page, very dominant and exciting. Allows us to see precisely what the article is about. 
    • Little writing although concise, interesting and in columns - therefore organised. 


      From looking at these various texts from two magazine company's in which I wanted to portray ideas from, I was able to gain a substantial knowledge of magazines and what they needed to consist of, while also creating my ideas for my product.